
Since the introduction of Real Time Information (RTI), payroll should really be performed by specialist staff and the consequences of getting your payroll wrong are obviously upsetting for your workforce.

With the implementation of Auto Enrolment for the majority of small businesses over the next couple of years the burden of running an in-house payroll will further increase. 

For many small businesses it does not make commercial sense to employ a payroll specialist and the obvious option is to therefore to outsource this very important function.

At Spectrum we have many years of experience in this profession which will ensure you of a reliable and accurate service.

Our experience and cost-effective pricing make us the logical choice to fulfil all of your payroll obligations.

Our Payroll Service

At Spectrum, our standard payroll service includes the following:

  • Calculation of PAYE/National Insurance and all statutory payments
  • Advising on amounts due to employees, HMRC and other organisations
  • Preparation of payroll summaries and individual employee payslips
  • Submission of RTI filings to HMRC
  • End of tax year RTI declarations and P60’s produced
  • Assessing employees auto-enrolment status together with the calculation and processing of pension deductions
  • Submission of returns to the pension provide


Contact us today to discuss our fees with a member of staff. As some elements of your business may be complex, additional time costs could incur – we would discuss this with you to inform you of the specific fees for your business.

Do not hesitate to give us a call on 01179 902218 or email us here. Our friendly and approachable team are here to help you and your business.


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